Friday, 25 April 2008

Planting so far......

So far my potatoes are all in and some are already waving! My peas are in and resolutely doing nothing, ditto carrots and beetroot. My radishes are waving but with reservations and my parsnips appear to be sulking. The salad is whooshing away (maybe slight exageration) and the raspberries that lovely Caroline gave me really are whooshing away. 

What else, the calabrese is crawling along, and the chard is hiding... and that's about it for the stuff already in the ground. In the small plastic greenhouse I have tomatoes, herbs of various sorts and the most pathetic excuse for brussel sprouts ever.. (so I have to confess I bought some plants instead). My sweetcorn is germinating indoors, along with some broccoli and pretty much every window sill in the place has a chilli plant on it.

Life is good.

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

It's landed...

My allotment landed last year, October sometime with labels like "You've got the one that looks like a concentration camp" and instructions that if it wasn't tended regularly I'd be out on my ear.

What can I say about a piece of land rented for £16 a year, other than I love it.

It's a very odd shape, has a Deer fence, two compost bins and a very wonky shed.
When I first got it, it looked like this....

It's taken alot of clearing, cursing and blood (I'm clumsy with a hammer) but now it looks more like this..

I've books on allotments and vegetables coming out of my ears but I still feel like I don't know what I'm doing but its fantastic and I'm still at the pathetically excited when anything sticks its head above the soil stage... sad I know.