Wednesday, 23 April 2008

It's landed...

My allotment landed last year, October sometime with labels like "You've got the one that looks like a concentration camp" and instructions that if it wasn't tended regularly I'd be out on my ear.

What can I say about a piece of land rented for £16 a year, other than I love it.

It's a very odd shape, has a Deer fence, two compost bins and a very wonky shed.
When I first got it, it looked like this....

It's taken alot of clearing, cursing and blood (I'm clumsy with a hammer) but now it looks more like this..

I've books on allotments and vegetables coming out of my ears but I still feel like I don't know what I'm doing but its fantastic and I'm still at the pathetically excited when anything sticks its head above the soil stage... sad I know.

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