Monday, 16 June 2008

How it looks now....

It looks amazing at the moment, I love June! 
Everything's so green, unfortunately so are the weeds. I
 planted spinach, romanesco, baby corn, radishes and more salad leaves the weekend before last and it's all coming up.

The peas have almost reached the top of the netting and are covered in flowers and excitement of excitements theres a pod on a couple of them.

To top off the excitement level the strawberry plant has produced the biggest fruit, its not the best photo ever but...

And here are the peas, again just taken on my phone, (I prefer bluetooth)...

I don't know how to express how happy, optimistic and hopeful the whole thing makes me feel. About everything.

It's also astonishing
 how cross slugs make me...

Fat, slimy, buggers.

Anyway... off to make dinner, with salad from the 
allotment with a huge grin on my face.

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